On this lovely long holiday weekend, our Hall of Fame franchise review finally heads west for the fourth segment, the Southwest Division. Catching up new readers, the HOF review seeks to find each franchise’s most likely active and retired player…
Author: Harlan Schreiber
HOF Review: Southeast Division
Let’s turn to part three of our franchise review of likely and potential Hall of Famers, the Southeast Division. For review, you find the ground rules here. Our reviews of the Atlantic and Central Division are also available on those…
HOF Review: Central Division
Today is part two of our franchise review of likely and potential Hall of Famers. Part 1, the Atlantic Division, (and our rules of review) can be found here. Today, we move on to the Central Division…. Chicago Bulls -Most…
HOF Review: Atlantic Division
Over time, I have become less enthused about the concept of choosing Hall of Famers. The exercise of trying to perfectly quantify the order of entry into the Hall of Fame of outsiders seemed somewhat futile. The tipping point to…
Should the NBA Finish This Season?
I thought we could briefly review the current issues that are being bandied about regarding whether the NBA season should restart. Before offering any opinion, let’s get the facts down: -The NBA season is currently supposed to start in Orlando…